Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Just a extra piece of information, did you know that 35-45 percent of the citizens of Spain smoke? That's a lot of people! When I went to Spain I saw many people smoking almost aroud every corner.

Here are some pictures I took in Spain. Hopefully it will help you understand Spain more. These pictures were taken in the northern part of Spain.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Human Environment Interaction

Human environment interaction is how people interact with or use the environment to survive. For example, in Spain, they use the ocean for the fish and other sea food. They also use the vegetation for food such as: olives, fruit, vegetables and other plantation. Spaniards have adapted to their environment by finding a usage for almost everything. While in Spain I was told that they eat everything that lives in the ocean, except for a few such as the starfish. Spain has changed their environment by building more buildings, structures and displays. Some of which cause pollution. They have also found use of their environment by finding beautiful and unique places for tourism. Some of the unique living things are: palm trees, orange trees, fresh fish, donkeys and mountain goats. A wildlife reserve is a place where they protect animals but let them live naturally. In Spain, they have many reserves including land and marine. I think this is a very important and good idea because if animals become endangered reserves will be of service.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The regions in a place are the different areas in a country. For example, in Canada, Ontario, Saskatchewan or Nunavut are regions. Also the Canadian shield is a region. Some of the regions in Spain are: Andalucia, Madrid, and Aragon. In total Spain has 17 regions. Townships are areas found inside regions. For example, Toronto in found in Ontario. In Spain Bilbao is found in the region called the Basque country. Bilbao is the place I stayed this January. Spain is a country, inside countries there are regions, and inside regions there are townships. While in Spain I found that every region has it's own cheese. I never knew that.

Origins and History of Bullfight

Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known, although at the same time most polemical Spanish popular customs. This Fiesta could not exist without the Toro Bravo, a species of bull of an archaical race that is only conserved in Spain. Formerly this bull's forebears, the primitive urus, were spread out over wide parts of the world. Many civilizations revered to them, the bull-cultus at the Greek island Creta is quite well-known. The Bible reports on sacrifices of bulls in honour to the divine justice. Also in the religious ceremonies of Iberian tribes living in Spain in prehistorical times bulls played an important part.
The origins of the Plaza, bullring, probably are not the Roman amphitheaters but the Celt-Iberian temples where those ceremonies were held. In the province of Soria, close to Numancia, one of them is conserved and it is supposed that there bulls were sacrificed to the Gods.
While the religious cultus to the bull goes back to Iberians, it were the Greek and Roman influences that converted it into a spectacle.
During the middle-ages it was a diversion for the aristocracy to torear on horse's back. That was called suerte de caƱas. In 18th century this tradition was more or less abandoned and the poorer population invented the bullfight by foot. Francisco Romero was a key-figure in laying the rules for that new sport.
For its fans La Corrida is of course rather an art than a sport, not to speak about the challenge of the man fighting against the beast. It is an archaic tradition that has survived in this country, just as the Toro Bravo has done.

This is an article from


1. Have you ever heard of bull fight?

2. Have you ever seen bull fight?

3. Do you want to see bull fight?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Movement Theme of Spain

The movement in Spain is the imports, exports, transportation and the arrivals and departures of tourists. Some of the exports are: cheese, olives, and olive oil. These exports are very important in our diet. Some of the imports of Spain are: waxes, road oil, lubricants, and motor oil. One of the main exports, olives, is shown above. To get around in Bilbao the citizens use taxis, buses, cars, motorbikes, electric scooters and since almost everything is around the corner, foot. If tourists were to visit I would suggest to travel by foot so they may see their surroundings. If traveling longer distances, like to other cities, they may go by car or train. People visit Spain to experience the different food and culture. They may also visit to see the sea or visit the Guggenheim.


1. Have you ever had or have any of the imports or exports of Spain?

2. Have you ever seen any of the imports or exports of Spain?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is it like in Spain?

Spain is a very warm place which has plateaus, plains, and mountain ranges. Some of it's trees and plants are: palm trees, orange trees, grasses, lavender, rosemary and orchids. In Spain it rarely snows and most of the time is sunny and above zero degrees Celsius. Some of the common animals are: deer, ibex, vultures, flamingos, snakes and more. One of the famous things they do in Spain is matadoring which is when they use the red sheet to make the bull charge and then they pierce the bull with a spear. Don't worry they eat the bull after killing it so it doesn't go to waste. Where I stayed they had a soccer team. I'm thinking that soccer is a very popular sport in Spain. One of there beliefs is Christianity, and of course, they speak Spanish. There they have similar clothes and their roads are the same as in Canada. Some cool places to see are the ocean, the mountains, and the Guggenheim museum. Inside the Guggenheim is very confusing modern art. The architecture is extremely cool, at least a lot of people think. I think that Spain is a very beautiful and interesting place to see. You can visit the older part, which is beautiful, or the newer part, which also is interesting.


1. Would you ever want to visit Spain? Why?